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Our aim is to offer parents a safe and stimulating nursery environment for their children.

Management and Staff are committed to:

- Providing an atmosphere which makes both the child and their families feel happy and comfortable within the nursery.

- Creating an appropriate routine to meet and develop the needs of each individual child.

- Working in partnership with parents and other professionals.

As a provider of day care, registered with Ofsted, we are required to follow the Child Protection Procedures agreed through the Area Child Protection Committee in Wiltshire.

Read our latest Ofsted report

For further information regarding our Policies and Procedures, please download our Policies and Procedures List and specifically the following policies:

Administration of Medicines Procedure
Admissions Policy
Allergy Policy
Areas and Aspects of learning for the Foundation Stage
Arrival and Departures Procedures
Behaviour Management
Box Playgroup Rules and Regulations
Child Protection
Closure Policy
Data Protection
Drugs, Smoking and Alcohol Misuse

Equal Opportunities
Fee payment policy
Fire Drill policy
Food and Drink
Health and hygiene
Lost Child Policy
Outdoor Play Policy
Non-collection of child

Parental involvement
Photo Policy
Potty Training
Prevent Duty Policy
Record Keeping
Safeguarding and Allegations against Adults
Safeguarding - What to do if you are worried a child is being abused or neglected
Self Isolation Policy
Settling Guidelines For Parents
Special Educational needs
Sun Protection Policy

Further policies are available to read on request from Playgroup.

All of the Playgroup staff, including members of the committee are Police checked through the DBS process.