At Playgroup we operate a rolling snack time between 9.40 and 10.40 am. The children are offered a healthy and nutritious snack usually a biscuit and a variety of fruit and vegetables, or perhaps a sample of whatever was baked that day, plus milk or water
We celebrate any birthdays at this time of the day, often with cakes brought in by the birthday boy or girl.
Lunch Club
We are delighted to offer all children who attend Box Pre-School Playgroup the opportunity to attend our lunch club which runs from 12pm until 1pm every day. Lunch Club is currently charged at £5.20 per session for three- and four-year olds and £6.20 for two-year olds.
Children are required to bring their own packed lunch for what is intended to be a fun and sociable hour. See packed lunch guidelines.
All children who attend Playgroup are eligible to attend the club. However, due to staffing ratios, we need to know how many children will be attending each day. Therefore, you will be asked to book your child in for lunch club sessions at the start of each half-term. Days can be added or reduced as required.